
在這份教學中,我們將會使用 GraphQL mutations 來建置一個遊戲。這個遊戲的目標是在九個正方形的網格中尋找一份藏起來的寶藏。我們將會給玩家們三次嘗試去找寶藏。這應該可以給我們 Relay 完整的樣貌 – 從在伺服器上的 GraphQL schema,到客戶端上的 React 應用程式。

暖身 #

讓我們使用 Relay Starter Kit 作為基底來開始一個專案。

git clone https://github.com/relayjs/relay-starter-kit.git relay-treasurehunt
cd relay-treasurehunt
npm install

一個簡單的資料庫 #


 * ./data/database.js

// Model types
export class Game {}
export class HidingSpot {}

// Mock data
const game = new Game();
game.id = '1';

const hidingSpots = [];
(function() {
  let hidingSpot;
  const indexOfSpotWithTreasure = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
  for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    hidingSpot = new HidingSpot();
    hidingSpot.id = `${i}`;
    hidingSpot.hasTreasure = (i === indexOfSpotWithTreasure);
    hidingSpot.hasBeenChecked = false;

let turnsRemaining = 3;

export function checkHidingSpotForTreasure(id) {
  if (hidingSpots.some(hs => hs.hasTreasure && hs.hasBeenChecked)) {
  const hidingSpot = getHidingSpot(id);
  hidingSpot.hasBeenChecked = true;
export function getHidingSpot(id) {
  return hidingSpots.find(hs => hs.id === id);
export function getGame() { return game; }
export function getHidingSpots() { return hidingSpots; }
export function getTurnsRemaining() { return turnsRemaining; }

我們目前為止寫在這邊的是一個 mock 資料庫介面。我們可以想像把這個綁上到一個真實的資料庫,不過現在讓我們繼續往下。

編寫 schema #

GraphQL schema 描述你的資料模型,並提供一個 GraphQL 伺服器與相關聯的一組知道要如何抓取資料的 resolve 方法。我們將會使用 graphql-jsgraphql-relay-js 來建構我們的 schema。

讓我們來打開 starter kit 的 schema,並用我們剛建立的那一個來置換資料庫的 import:

 * ./data/schema.js

/* ... */

import {
} from './database';

在此刻,你可以刪除 ./data/schema.js 中直到 queryType 之前的所有東西。

接著,讓我們來定義一個 node interface 和 type。我們只需要提供一個方式讓 Relay 能從一個 object 映射到與那個 object 相關聯的 GraphQL type,並從一個 global ID 映射到它指向的 object:

const {nodeInterface, nodeField} = nodeDefinitions(
  (globalId) => {
    const {type, id} = fromGlobalId(globalId);
    if (type === 'Game') {
      return getGame(id);
    } else if (type === 'HidingSpot') {
      return getHidingSpot(id);
    } else {
      return null;
  (obj) => {
    if (obj instanceof Game) {
      return gameType;
    } else if (obj instanceof HidingSpot) {
      return hidingSpotType;
    } else {
      return null;

再下來,讓我們來定義我們的 game 和 hiding spot types,還有在它們上面可以存取的 fields。

const gameType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Game',
  description: 'A treasure search game',
  fields: () => ({
    id: globalIdField('Game'),
    hidingSpots: {
      type: hidingSpotConnection,
      description: 'Places where treasure might be hidden',
      args: connectionArgs,
      resolve: (game, args) => connectionFromArray(getHidingSpots(), args),
    turnsRemaining: {
      type: GraphQLInt,
      description: 'The number of turns a player has left to find the treasure',
      resolve: () => getTurnsRemaining(),
  interfaces: [nodeInterface],

const hidingSpotType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'HidingSpot',
  description: 'A place where you might find treasure',
  fields: () => ({
    id: globalIdField('HidingSpot'),
    hasBeenChecked: {
      type: GraphQLBoolean,
      description: 'True if this spot has already been checked for treasure',
      resolve: (hidingSpot) => hidingSpot.hasBeenChecked,
    hasTreasure: {
      type: GraphQLBoolean,
      description: 'True if this hiding spot holds treasure',
      resolve: (hidingSpot) => {
        if (hidingSpot.hasBeenChecked) {
          return hidingSpot.hasTreasure;
        } else {
          return null;  // 噓... 這是秘密!
  interfaces: [nodeInterface],

因為一個 game 可以有許多個 hiding spots,我們需要建立一個 connection,讓我們可以使用來 把他們連結在一起。

const {connectionType: hidingSpotConnection} =
  connectionDefinitions({name: 'HidingSpot', nodeType: hidingSpotType});

現在讓我們來把這些 types 連結到 root query type。

const queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Query',
  fields: () => ({
    node: nodeField,
    game: {
      type: gameType,
      resolve: () => getGame(),

隨著 queries 已經完成,讓我們開始著手我們唯一的 mutation:消耗一個回合來檢查一個 spot 有沒有寶藏的那一個。在這裡,我們定義給 mutation 的 input (spot 的 id 用來檢查寶藏) 和在 mutation 發生之後所有客戶端可能會可能想要更新的 fields 清單。最後,我們實作一個方法來執行背後的 mutation。

const CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation = mutationWithClientMutationId({
  name: 'CheckHidingSpotForTreasure',
  inputFields: {
    id: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID) },
  outputFields: {
    hidingSpot: {
      type: hidingSpotType,
      resolve: ({localHidingSpotId}) => getHidingSpot(localHidingSpotId),
    game: {
      type: gameType,
      resolve: () => getGame(),
  mutateAndGetPayload: ({id}) => {
    const localHidingSpotId = fromGlobalId(id).id;
    return {localHidingSpotId};

讓我們來把剛建立的 mutation 連結到 root mutation type:

const mutationType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Mutation',
  fields: () => ({
    checkHidingSpotForTreasure: CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation,

最後,建構我們的 schema (它的起始 query type 是我們先前定義過的 query type) 並 export 它。

export const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: queryType,
  mutation: mutationType

處理 schema #

在我們更深入之前,我們需要把我們的可執行 schema serialize 成 JSON,才能讓 Relay.QL transpiler 使用,接著啟動伺服器。從 command line:

npm run update-schema
npm start

撰寫遊戲 #

讓我們微調一下檔案 ./js/routes/AppHomeRoute.js,以把我們的 game 綁到 schema 的 game root field:

export default class extends Relay.Route {
  static queries = {
    game: () => Relay.QL`query { game }`,
  static routeName = 'AppHomeRoute';

接下來,讓我們在 ./js/mutations/CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation.js 建立一個檔案並建立 Relay.Mutation 的子類別叫做 CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation 來放我們的 mutation 實作:

import Relay from 'react-relay';

export default class CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
  static fragments = {
    game: () => Relay.QL`
      fragment on Game {
    hidingSpot: () => Relay.QL`
      fragment on HidingSpot {
  getMutation() {
    return Relay.QL`mutation{checkHidingSpotForTreasure}`;
  getCollisionKey() {
    return `check_${this.props.game.id}`;
  getFatQuery() {
    return Relay.QL`
      fragment on CheckHidingSpotForTreasurePayload @relay(pattern: true) {
        hidingSpot {
        game {
  getConfigs() {
    return [{
      type: 'FIELDS_CHANGE',
      fieldIDs: {
        hidingSpot: this.props.hidingSpot.id,
        game: this.props.game.id,
  getVariables() {
    return {
      id: this.props.hidingSpot.id,
  getOptimisticResponse() {
    return {
      game: {
        turnsRemaining: this.props.game.turnsRemaining - 1,
      hidingSpot: {
        id: this.props.hidingSpot.id,
        hasBeenChecked: true,

最後,讓我們在 ./js/components/App.js 中把它們全部結合在一起:

import CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation from '../mutations/CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation';
import React from 'react';
import Relay from 'react-relay';

class App extends React.Component {
  _getHidingSpotStyle(hidingSpot) {
    let color;
    if (this.props.relay.hasOptimisticUpdate(hidingSpot)) {
      color = 'lightGrey';
    } else if (hidingSpot.hasBeenChecked) {
      if (hidingSpot.hasTreasure) {
        color = 'blue';
      } else {
        color = 'red';
    } else {
      color = 'black';
    return {
      backgroundColor: color,
      cursor: this._isGameOver() ? null : 'pointer',
      display: 'inline-block',
      height: 100,
      marginRight: 10,
      width: 100,
  _handleHidingSpotClick(hidingSpot) {
    if (this._isGameOver()) {
      new CheckHidingSpotForTreasureMutation({
        game: this.props.game,
  _hasFoundTreasure() {
    return (
      this.props.game.hidingSpots.edges.some(edge => edge.node.hasTreasure)
  _isGameOver() {
    return !this.props.game.turnsRemaining || this._hasFoundTreasure();
  renderGameBoard() {
    return this.props.game.hidingSpots.edges.map(edge => {
      return (
          onClick={this._handleHidingSpotClick.bind(this, edge.node)}
  render() {
    let headerText;
    if (this.props.relay.getPendingTransactions(this.props.game)) {
      headerText = '\u2026';
    } else if (this._hasFoundTreasure()) {
      headerText = 'You win!';
    } else if (this._isGameOver()) {
      headerText = 'Game over!';
    } else {
      headerText = 'Find the treasure!';
    return (
        <p>Turns remaining: {this.props.game.turnsRemaining}</p>

export default Relay.createContainer(App, {
    fragments: {
        game: () => Relay.QL`
            fragment on Game {
                hidingSpots(first: 9) {
                    edges {
                        node {

relay-examples repository 中以找到一份可運作的 treasure hunt 副本。

現在,我們現在已經完成這份教學,讓我們深入看看建置一個 GraphQL 客戶端框架代表什麼意思還有要如何把它跟比較傳統的 REST 系統的客戶端做比較。