
Community Resources

Stack Overflow #

Many members of the community use Stack Overflow to ask and answer questions. Read through the existing questions tagged with graphql or ask your own!

Facebook Group #

Join the GraphQL Facebook Group for questions, discussion, and sharing. The GraphQL Facebook group is the preferred venue for announcements and broader discussion.

Twitter #

Use the #graphql hashtag on Twitter to join the conversation.

Here are some helpful accounts to follow: - @GraphQL - @graphqlweekly - @graphqlnews - @GraphQLStackOverflow - @apollographql - @graphcool - @ScapholdDotIO


Chat with GraphQL developers on IRC at the server on the #graphql channel.

Slack & Discord #

Many GraphQL developers idle in Discord and Slack chatrooms for live communication and quick questions.

Join #graphql on the ReactiFlux Discord.

Slack Communities: #

Blogs #

Here are a list of notable blog posts to help you better understand GraphQL:

Videos #

Developers inside and outside of Facebook have given talks about GraphQL at conferences and meetups around the world. Here are some of our favorites:

Books #

More Resources #

To explore other community-developed resources and content about GraphQL, take a look at these sites:

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